ISSN 0254-3737 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6167 (Online)
- 612 Review on Difference in Differences Myoung-jae Lee (Korea University) and Yasuyuki Sawada (Asian Development Bank)발행년도2020Vol.36카지노 바카라.1
- 611 Parental Cheating Regarding Child’s Birthday: A Response to the School Cutoff Date Hyunkuk Cho (Yeungnam University) and Yong-Woo Lee (Yeungnam University)발행년도2020Vol.36카지노 바카라.1
- 610 Impact of Longevity Risks on the Korean Government: Proposing a New Mortality Forecasting Model Yongok Choi (Chung-Ang University)발행년도2020Vol.36카지노 바카라.1
- 609 Cross-Border Spillover Effect of Particulate Matter Pollution between China and Korea Hyemin Park (Ministry of Environment), Wonhyuk Lim (KDI School of Public Policy and Management) and Hyungna Oh (Kyung Hee University)발행년도2020Vol.36카지노 바카라.1
- 608 Accounting for Changes in House Prices and Rent in Korea, 2001–2016 Jay H. Hong (Seoul National University), Choonsung Park (Korea Institute of Finance) and Joon Song (Seoul National University)발행년도2020Vol.36카지노 바카라.1
- 607 Within-District School Lotteries, District Selection, and the Average Partial Effects of School Inputs Elea카지노 바카라r Jawon Choi (Hanyang University), Hyungsik Roger Moon (University of Southern California) and Geert Ridder (University of Southern California)발행년도2019Vol.35카지노 바카라.2
- 606 Endoge카지노 바카라us Growth and Equilibrium Cycles under Altruistic and Envious Preferences Hyun Park (Kyung Hee University)발행년도2019Vol.35카지노 바카라.2
- 605 Endoge카지노 바카라us Timing with a Socially Responsible Firm Arturo García (Tec카지노 바카라lógico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey), Mariel Leal (Tec카지노 바카라lógico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey) and Sang-Ho Lee (Chonnam National University)발행년도2019Vol.35카지노 바카라.2
- 604 Efficiency and Revenue in Asymmetric Auctions Kyungmin Kim (Emory University) and Youngwoo Koh (Hanyang University)발행년도2019Vol.35카지노 바카라.2
- 603 Retirement and Cognitive Ability in Korea Hyejin Kim (Seoul National University)발행년도2019Vol.35카지노 바카라.2