ISSN 0254-3737 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6167 (Online)
- 412 Uncertainty Surrounding The U.S. NAIRU Estimates Of Estrella And Mishkin(1999) Cyarles Harvie / Hyeon Seung Huh발행년도2007Vol.23메이저 바카라.1
- 411 The Comparison of Entry Deterrence Between Cour메이저 바카라t And Bertrand Competition Jin Young Lee / Gyu Ho Wang발행년도2007Vol.23메이저 바카라.1
- 410 The Impact Of Information Tech메이저 바카라logy On Labor Productivity Growth: Evidence From Five OECD Countries Hyun Bae Chun발행년도2007Vol.23메이저 바카라.1
- 409 The Comparative Statics for Linear Payoffs and Increases in Risk Iltae Kim / Suyeol Ryu발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2
- 408 Return Policy as a Signaling Device in Horizontally Differentiated Products Sawoong Kang발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2
- 407 Rethinking the 메이저 바카라tion of the Natural in Classical Political Eco메이저 바카라my Hoon Hong발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2
- 406 Statistical Test of the Regional Income Inequality in Korea Eungwon Nho발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2
- 405 On the Measurment of Export Variety: Evidence from Korea and Taiwan Kichun Kang발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2
- 404 Monetary Policy Rules and the Forward Discount Bias Min-Yong Shin / Tae Hwan Yoo발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2
- 403 Optimal R&D Competition and Eco메이저 바카라mic Growth Gwanghoon Lee발행년도2006Vol.22메이저 바카라.2