한국메이저 바카라 사이트포럼
15차 국제학술대회 만찬사: 김황식 국무총리 축사
Hwang-sik Kim (Prime Minister of Korea)발행년도2012제 5 권제 2 호
President Manwoo Lee and distinguished members of the Korean EconomicAssociation, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I am delighted to be here at the온라인바카라 celebrating its 60th anniversary. I would like to extenda warm welcome to all the scholars who have joined us today, especially those ofyou from abroad including last year’s Nobel laureate Dr. Christopher Sims fromPrinceton.Allow me to offer my heartfelt congratulations to the Korean EconomicAssociation. In the past 60 years, it has provided invaluable policy guidance in Korea’spath towards economic development. This year in 2012, the Korean Economic Reviewwas registered at the international Social Science Citation Index.