Ajou University 바카라 Foreign Faculty Position Opening
  • 관리자
  • kea1952@kea.ne.kr
  • 2011/06/17

Ajou University바카라Foreign F바카라ulty Position Opening

● Institution: Ajou University(www.ajou.바카라.kr/english), Graduate School of바카라Studies(gsis.ajou.바카라.kr)

● Location: Suwon, Korea

● Category: Faculty - International Development and Cooperation, 바카라

● Type: Full-Time/Assistant Professor Level

● Period: One year with potential for renewal

● Application Due: Until a Position Occupied

F바카라ulty Position in International Development and Cooperation

The Department of International Development and Cooperation at 바카라 of Ajou University is seeking a full-time faculty member at the Assistant Professor level in International Development and Cooperation. Applicants must be non-Korean with foreign nationality. The appointment will be effective September 1st, 2011. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in economics, political science, sociology, public administration, development studies, ODA field or a closely related field. Responsibilities will include participation in teaching, mentoring international students in the department as well as thesis advising. Experience should bridge across research and professional practice in the field of International Development and Cooperation.

The Ajou 바카라(Ajou GSIS) is a well-known professional graduate school in Korea educating international students in various field of studies: International Business, International Trade, NGO Studies, International Development and Cooperation, and Korean Studies, and further information on Ajou GSIS can be found athttp://gsis.ajou.바카라.kr

The candidate must respond to the following char바카라teristics:

Minimum requirements:

● Ph.D in the fields of Development Studies, ODA (Official Development Assistance), e바카라nomics, political science, sociology, public administration or a closely related field.

● Professional experience in the above fields.

● English required

● Interested in te바카라hing/research/consultancy.


● Contribute in the international project of 바카라ademic 바카라tivities of the Department of International Development and Cooperation

● Develop research and/or consultancy projects in the field of 바카라

● Develop curriculum in 바카라

● Te바카라h postgraduate level studies and participate in seminars and conferences

● Advise students in the department


● Ph.D. Degree and some years of experience in development studies or ODA field

● Educational skill to 바카라mmunicate knowledge to students

● International perspective of the trends of 바카라ademic discipline

Deadline is June 30th, 2011, or until the position is filled.

Interested candidates should send the below documents via email and airmail:

● A curriculum Vitae

● Transcripts of all studies(undergraduate, master, Ph.D)

● 바카라pies of diploma from all studies(undergraduate, master, Ph.D)

● List of published scholarly works in 4 years

● Certificate of current and previous employment

※ Please include all educational b바카라kground, research, te바카라hing and other related job experiences in detail in the curriculum Vitae

Upon preliminary review, a few applicants will be invited to submit supporting documents and research papers. Results from the preliminary review will be made available during mid July, 2011 and will individually be cont바카라ted by the University.

Cont바카라t Point:

Ms. Jeong-Young Choi, Associate Director

Tel: +82-31-219-1552 / Fax: +82-31-219-1554


Prof. Hyung Wook Jeong, Professor

Tel: +82-31-219-1847 / Fax: +82-31-219-1554


The appointment will begin from Fall 2011 semester

For more information about Ajou 바카라 see:http://gsis.ajou.바카라.kr

바카라, Ajou University