Seoul Women’s University - Job Opening for Full-time Faculty Position
  • 관리자
  • 2010/11/05

The Department of Economics at Seoul Women’s University's is seeking candidates for one renewable contract-based full-time faculty position beginning in March 1, 2011. Applicants must have a M.A. in economics (Ph.D. or teaching experience preferred), and the position requires fluency in English. Candidates should have non-Korean citizenship. The successful candidates will be expected to teach 9 hours per semester at the undergraduate level in English. Salary and benefits are negotiable.

We will consider qualified candidates in all fields of economics. Send a cover letter, vita, transcripts, and a copy of passport photo page to:

Professor Yong-Hwan Noh
Dept. of Economics, Seoul Women’s University
623 Hwarangno, Nowon-gu,Seoul 139-774

Rep. ofKorea

You are also welcomed to apply via an email by November 30, 2010.

Email for application:yhnoh@swu.ac.kr
For more information email:yhnoh@swu.ac.kr