바카라 게임 (2010.10.2~3, 이화여대 국제교육관 LG컨벤션홀)
  • 관리자
  • kea1952@kea.ne.kr
  • 2010/10/01

바카라 게임

10 2일부터 3일까지 양일간 이화여자대학교 국제교육관에서 제12차 국제학술대회가 개최됩니다.
기조연설, ADB패널, 오찬 및 만찬연설과 함께 46개의 분과회의에서 160편의 논문이 발표됩니다.
관련한 자세한 내용은다음과 같습니다. 관심 있으신 회원님들의 많은 참석을 바랍니다.

○ 행사명: The 12thInternational Convention of the East Asian Economic Association

Convention Theme: “Asiaand the Global Economic Recovery”

○ 장소: 이화여자대학교 국제교육관LG컨벤션홀

○ 일시: 2010 102일(토) ~ 3일(일)

○ 주최: 동아시아바카라 게임회(East Asian Economic Association:회장장희, 이화여대 명예교수)

○ 주요 행사

(1) 10
2오전 9 10~10:

Plenary Session: Keynote Address (LG Convention Hall,International Education Building)

Speaker: Peter Drysdale (Professor Emeritus,Australian National University)

Asia’s Global Responsibilities and Regional International Cooperation

(2) 10
2오후 12 40~14시 20:

ERIA Luncheon (Lee-Sam-Bong Hall, Ewha Campus Complex, B4)

ERIA Introduction: Fukunari Kimura(ERIA andKeio University)

Speaker: Jang-Hee, Yoo (President of EAEA, Professor Emeritus,Ewha Womans University)

The Korean Economy: Recent Performance and Prospects

(3)10 2오후 7:

The Bank ofKoreaDinner (Lee-Sam-Bong Hall, Ewha Campus Complex, B4)

Speaker: Dr. Kim, Choongsoo (Governor, Bank ofKorea)

Challenges to the Further Advance of the Asian Economy Following the Global Financial Crisis

(4) 10 3 오전 9~10 10:

Plenary Session: ADB Keynote Policy Panel (LG Convention Hall, IEB)

Panelists: Peter Drysdale (Australian National University),
Jong Wha Lee (Korea University and Asian Development Bank),
Chalongphob Sussangkarn (Thailand Development Research Institute),
Shigeyuki Abe (Doshisha University)

Moderator: Maria Socorro Bautista (Asian Development Bank)

CanAsiaSustain Growth?

(5) 10
3 오후 12 40~2 20:

ADB Luncheon (LG Convention Hall,International Education Building)

Speaker: Shinichi Ichimura (Professor Emiritus,Kyoto University)

How Can Asia Aim at a Leading Position in theNew WorldEconomic Order?

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