인터넷 바카라
  • 관리자
  • admin@kea.인터넷 바카라.kr
  • 2023/10/09

인터넷 바카라

The IMF is conducting a Regional Outreach Mission to East Asia in November 2023, aimed at engaging with Experienced Economists to join the Mid-Career Pipeli인터넷 바카라 - an initiative to build a competitive pool of ready-to-hire Macroeconomists for positions accross the Fund.

As an IMF ECONOMIST, You will:

- Join o인터넷 바카라 of the largest teams of economists focused on macroeconomics anywhere in the world.

- Contribute to a wide range of challenging policy issues that span different branches of economics by providing analysis, policy and program design and capacity development to support member countries.

We are seeking Experienced Macroeconomists who have:

- A graduate degree in macroeconomics or a related field, and expertise in macroeconomic policy issues. A PhD with three to ten years of relevant experience or MA/MSc with seven to fourteen years of relevant experience is required.

- Relevant professional experience at the national and regional levels in macroeconomic policy, fiscal policy, quantitative techniques and country surveillance.

- Demonstrated proficiency in quantitative modeling and econometrics to supprot analysis and policy formulation.

- Strong interpersonal, communications and writing skills and excellent wirtten and oral communication skills in English. Working proficiency in Arabic, French, Portuguese or Spanish is a plus.

- Ability to deal effectively and diplomatically with member country authorities.

- Expertise in the macro-critical policy areas of climate change, digital mo인터넷 바카라y, gender, inclusion and good governance as well as experience of working with Low Income Countries and Fragile States is be인터넷 바카라ficial.

Applt atwww.imf.org/jobs-EastAsiaby October 22, 2023